“The Science of today is the technology of Tomorrow.”

The students from classes III to X of Excellia School went to regional science center on 24th of September. They had a wonderful experience. They were shown various scientific wonders of the world under one roof. In which class IIIrd – Vth were shown one of the best discoveries in our scientific world i.e. the Robots. A demonstration was given to them showing how robots work and how they are assembled. Not only they experienced the creation of robots but also understood the advantages of healthy food and disadvantages of unhealthy food which was explained to them in the environment section. Our senior students from class VI – X received a wider knowledge from the Robotics Section as they were not only demonstrated about the assemblance of Robots but also in real practiced how it’s performed. They got to receive a whole lot of knowledge on robots. It was a very inspiring visit for our aspiring scientists and brought knowledge to all our kids.